
An aid in the prevention of pneumonia, diarrhea, septicemia and mortality caused by Salmonella choleraesuis and as an aid in control of disease and shedding of Salmonella typhimurium. For mass application of pigs 3 weeks of age or older through the drinking water. Dual-strain protection and safety. Freeze-dried avirulent live culture.

Reduces fever in pigs with respiratory disease. Review complete label for directions and indications.

An aid in the prevention of viremia, aid in the reduction of virus shedding and aid in the reduction of lymphoid infection caused by porcine circovirus Type 2. Convenient one- or two-dose options (2 mL once or 1 mL twice, see complete label instructions). The only PCV2 vaccine approved for use in pigs as early as 3 days of age (two-dose option).

An aid in the prevention of viremia, aid in the reduction of virus shedding, aid in the reduction of lymphoid infection caused by porcine circovirus Type 2, and an aid in the reduction of lung lesions caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Convenient one- or two-dose options (2 mL once or 1 mL twice, see complete label instructions). The only PCV2 vaccine approved for use in pigs as early as 3 days of age (two-dose option).

An aid in the prevention of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in swine. Convenient one- or two-dose options (2 mL once or 1 mL twice, see complete label instructions) for one-dose and two-dose programs (see complete label instructions). Unique patented dual-emulsion adjuvant. Up to four months DOI with a single shot.

Allows synchronization of estrus (heat), so gilt pool can be brought into heat when it is convenient and efficient. For synchronization of estrus in sexually mature gilts that have had at least one estrous cycle. Treatment with altrenogest solution 0.22% results in estrus (standing heat) four to nine days after completion of the 14-day treatment period. Do not use in gilts having a previous or current history of uterine inflammation (i.e., acute, subacute or chronic endometritis). Underdosing of MATRIX may lead to the occurrence of cystic follicles. Gilts must not be slaughtered for human consumption for 21 days after the last treatment. For complete information on use/handling of this product, see accompanying product package insert.

An aid in the prevention of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Convenient one- or two-dose options (2 mL once or 1 mL twice, see complete label instructions) for one-dose and two-dose programs (see complete label instructions). Unique patented dual-emulsion adjuvant. Up to six months DOI after one 2 mL injection. Solid measurable serologic response. Second 1 mL injection given two to three weeks after first 1 mL injection administered at week three. (Second injection not required if 2 mL injection is given at week three.)

Maximizes pig flow by helping more gilts and weaned sows cycle, particularly in summer, producing more pigs when market prices are high. For induction of estrus in prepuberal gilts and weaned sows experiencing delayed return to estrus. For induction of estrus in healthy weaned sows experiencing delayed return to estrus. Treatment will not induce estrus in gilts that have already reached puberty (begun to cycle). Gilts that are less than five and one-half months of age or that weigh less than 85 kg (187 lb.) may not be mature enough to continue normal estrus cycles or maintain a normal pregnancy to full term after treatment.

For use in healthy swine as an aid in the control of ileitis caused by Lawsonia intracellularis, an aid in the reduction of colonization by Lawsonia and an aid in the reduction of duration of fecal shedding. Duration of immunity for at least 20 weeks has been demonstrated.

This product has been shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older against respiratory disease caused by Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus and female breeding age swine against reproductive disease caused by PRRS virus.

For use in healthy pregnant swine as an aid in the prevention of enterotoxemia and colibacillosis in their nursing piglets. A purified and adjuvanted product containing E. coli bacterins of four major pilus antigens (K88, K99, F41, 987P) and cell-free C. perfringens type C toxoid.

An aid in prevention of rotaviral diarrhea, enterotoxemia and colibacillosis in nursing pigs of vaccinated sows/gilts. Unique rotavirus and seven-way scours protection. Includes two major rotavirus serotypes G4 and G5 of Serogroup A. Freeze-dried MLV vaccine with bacterin/toxoid diluent.

An aid in the prevention of rotaviral diarrhea in young piglets; a 1 mL oral dose and 1 mL IM dose to pig preweaning (see complete label instructions). Unique rotavirus protection includes two major serotypes G4 and G5 of Serogroup A. Freeze-dried MLV vaccine with diluent.

New and evolving diseases and pathogens represent a continuing threat to the food animal population. SEQUIVITY, a revolutionary RNA particle technology from Merck Animal Health, is at the forefront of vaccine technology designed to combat this ongoing risk.