

(Ancylostoma caninum & Uncinaria stenocephala) 

There are two kinds of canine hookworm that infect dogs – Uncinaria stenocephala and Ancylostoma caninum.

  • Female worms lay eggs by the thousands which are passed in the feces.
  • Eggs survive well in mild temperatures, shade and moist soil or grass.
  • Outdoors dogs can be infected and re-infected by accidently eating the eggs or larvae (immature worms) in the environment.

Risks in the Environment

Dogs can be infected by accidentally eating hookworm eggs and larvae in the environment or through larvae penetration of the skin or lining of the mouth.


A dog infected with hookworms should be treated with a fast-acting, highly effective and safe dewormer, such as fenbendazole. This should be followed by a second treatment, two weeks later. In severe cases, blood transfusions and supportive therapy may be required.