The Industry´s most trusted parasite defense specifically approved for goats

Goat Worm Control is Different

Most goat producers know how devastating parasite infections can be, and how hard it can be to prevent losses. In fact, veterinarians and experienced producers consider parasites the first, second and third most serious threats to goat health and production1.

Parasites in goats are more difficult to control compared to cattle and horses because goats are more susceptible to worms. Barber pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) is the main parasite of concern in goats and is potentially deadly. The widespread prevalence of dewormer resistance further complicates worm control for goats.

Primary Parasites of Concern


(Barber pole worm)


(Brown stomach worm)

How the Problem Develops

Goats prefer leaves and tall growing plants, but when tall vegetation is exhausted they will graze. Worm larvae exists in the bottom three inches of grass pastures. Worm infections are likely for grazing goats when the pastures are contaminated with worm larvae. During warm weather, high levels of worm contamination can quickly develop, threatening goat production and health2.

Strategies for Combating Worms in Goats

Deworm Purchased Goats

Purchased goats can be a major source of worm problems. Start with conducting a fecal egg count test using the Wisconsin Sugar Float method to determine the level of internal parasite infection. Deworm purchased goats with two dewormers of different classes. The two most common are Benzimidoles like SAFE-GUARD (fenbendazole) or Macrolides like ivermectin.

Deworm Properly

  • Use products labeled and designed for goats.
  • Administer SAFE-GUARD® slowly to ensure each goat swallows a full dose.
  • SAFE-GUARD® suspension works best when administered over the back of the tongue with a drench gun designed for goats. Proper deworming ensures SAFE-GUARD® ends up in the rumen providing a killing dose.

Pasture Management Helps Combat Worms

Proper pasture or forage management can help reduce parasite burdens in the animal and their negative effects on production.

  • Grow tall vegetation
  • Keep stocking rates low
  • Make hay from goat pasture
  • Tilling soil reduces number of worm larvae on pasture
  • Grow annual pasture (wheat and Sudan crosses)

Plan for Parasite Control

Rotate goats to pastures grazed by cattle or vacant land. Pastures grazed by cattle or horses help clean the pasture of parasites of goats as the parasites are generally species specific.

  • Monitor the level parasite infections on your farm by conducting an annual fecal egg count test using the Wisconsin Sugar Float method.
  • Check eyelids for anemia using the FAMACHA© score system that matches eyelid color to anemia levels, an indicator of clinical barber pole worm infection.

Cull “poor doers” and goats with consistently high worm egg counts.

Use Accurate Doses

  • Weigh goats prior to deworming so an accurate dose of dewormer can be given.
  • Use a drench gun designed for goats.
  • Test the drench gun to make sure it is administering a full dose.
  • Do not under dose — this can trigger resistance to dewormer used.

Your Broad-spectrum Parasite Defense

SAFE-GUARD® is a valuable weapon in the battle against internal parasites of goats.

Effective deworming combined with good management can win the war on worms. SAFE-GUARD is the best tool in the war on goat parasites.

  • Short 6-day withdrawal time for meat goats.
  • Kills the two most common worm parasites of goats.
  • Convenient oral suspension ensures SAFE-GUARD gets to the digestive system where worms are located.

Talk to your veterinarian or Merck Animal Health representative today.

REFERENCES 1 Hale, Margo, 2015. Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats. ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Report. 2 Hepworth, Hutchens, 2006. Managing Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats (AS-573-W).

RESIDUE WARNINGS: Goats must not be slaughtered for food within 6 days following treatment. Because a withdrawal time in milk has not been established, do not use in lactating goats.

Consult your veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitism.