The original intranasal.

Designed for convenience, the original BOVILIS® NASALGEN® IP vaccination is an aid in the prevention of disease caused by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and parainfluenza 3 (PI3) viruses.

Designed for no injection site reactions to help your operation meet Beef Quality Assurance standards.

Key Benefits

Fast-acting to build a strong foundation

  • Provides rapid onset of protection
  • No temperature sensitivity issues that would negatively impact replication once administered2
  • Stimulates local production of antibodies at the site where infectious pathogens enter the respiratory system — the mucosal lining of the nasal cavity

Innovative intranasal delivery

  • Stimulates local production of antibodies at the site where infectious pathogens enter the respiratory system – the mucosal lining of the nasal cavity
  • Stimulates active immunity in the face of maternal antibodies1

Dosing and Usage

  • Convenient, single 2 mL dose in one nostril (Please note: BOVILIS NASALGEN IP does not include blue shadow dye)
  • Safe in all classes of cattle, including day-old calves, pregnant cows, pregnant heifers and nursing calves
  • Calves vaccinated before 5 months should be revaccinated at 5 months of age or weaning
  • SUPPLIED: 10-dose, 50-dose

For more cattle-friendly options, see the rest of the Merck Animal Health vaccine lineup.

1 Ellis JA, Gow SP, Goji N. Response to experimentally induced infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus following intranasal vaccination of seropositive and seronegative calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2010;236(9):991-999.

2 Todd JD. Intranasal vaccination of cattle against IBR and PI3: field and laboratory observations in dairy, beef and neonatal calf populations. Dev Biol Stand. 1976;33:391-395.