FINAPLIX-H is an implant containing 200mg of trenbolone. Each implant consists of 10 small yellow pellets. Ten implants are provided in a cartridge.

(trenbolone acetate)


Increases rate of weight gain and improves feed efficiency in a slow-release delivery system. This product is to be used in feedlot heifers only during approximately the last 63 days prior to slaughter.

Do not use in veal calves. Effectiveness and animal safety in veal calves have not been established.


One implant containing 200mg trenbolone acetate is administered to each animal. The 10 pellets which make up the dosage of Finaplix-H are contained in one division of the multiple dose cartridge. Ten doses are in each cartridge. The cartridge is designed to be used with a special implant gun.


Box of 10 x 10 cartridge implants.

For additional information, please see the product label.