Rotavirus Scours

Disease Overview

Rotavirus is most commonly found in young pigs, and almost all herds are affected.

Merck Animal Health Solutions

For Rotavirus Scours

An aid in prevention of rotaviral diarrhea, enterotoxemia and colibacillosis in nursing pigs of vaccinated sows/gilts. Unique rotavirus and seven-way scours protection. Includes two major rotavirus serotypes G4 and G5 of Serogroup A. Freeze-dried MLV vaccine with bacterin/toxoid diluent.

An aid in the prevention of rotaviral diarrhea in young piglets; a 1 mL oral dose and 1 mL IM dose to pig preweaning (see complete label instructions). Unique rotavirus protection includes two major serotypes G4 and G5 of Serogroup A. Freeze-dried MLV vaccine with diluent.

An aid in the prevention and control of TGE and rotaviral diarrhea in nursing pigs of vaccinated sows/gilts. Unique TGE and rotavirus protection (use oral plus IM administrations for best TGE protection). Freeze-dried vaccine with diluent.

An aid in prevention of TGE, rotaviral diarrhea, colibacillosis and enterotoxemia in nursing pigs of vaccinated sows/gilts. Unique eight-way scours protection. Freeze-dried MLV vaccine with bacterin/ toxoid diluent.

Clinical Signs

  • Watery diarrhea
  • Gaunt
  • Rough hair
  • Suppressed appetite